Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blackwater=The A-Team? I don't think so.

I first posted this on another blog of mine, but it really belongs here...

I think most of you have heard the name Blackwater by now, but what do you know about it? Well, I did a whole lot of reading this morning, starting around 6am. I neglected to save most of the links, but here is one I culled as a Wikipedia source note: Blackwater as Modern Praetorian Guard?

This really is scary stuff. I know that people are up to their necks in conspiracy theories and a lot of people quit listening as soon as you begin to say anything untoward against... ahem... their chosen circles.

Well, folks do yourself a favor and learn a little about the history of fascism. Very few people really know what it is, they just think of Nazis and dictators. Actually, the roots of fascism are commonly found in strong religious belief (sorry, but the original fascists thought they were good Christians) combined with a burgeoning sense of nationalism. Add a teaspoon of paranoia, a whole lot of reinforcement of a national feeling of "righteousness", and then fry it up quickly over the burning hot flame of a national crisis. Really the only element we are missing is the crisis.

Did anyone see where Blackwater was during Katrina? They were doing riot and looting patrol down in New Orleans. Scared the Hell out of a lot of folks in their black soldier outfits dropping in on ropes out of privately owned military helicopters. This is for real stuff people. Look it up. Never has America had it's head more in the sand then right now.

Seriously, Google this stuff. Read a few articles. You'll quickly start to see that there is nothing conspiratorial about any of this, it is common knowledge and much of it was aired on national broadcasts. Problem is that Americans have an aversion, a sort of allergy almost, to anything that sounds like a conspiracy, or anything that makes it sound like America (or even ANY American citizen) might be the bad guy. So we bury or quickly forget the stories that make us cringe. "It could never happen here, this is America!" we tell ourselves. Hey, is it just me, my friends, or doesn't everybody feel that things are just not right ever since 9/11? I say that's more than a feeling. Our brains sometimes put together the pieces while our waking minds are busy telling us what we want to hear. Everybody wants to be happy after all, but the light and color has certainly drained out of things since then... huh, maybe that's why so many people are seeing things in black and white.

I'll make this clear folks. The bad guys come in all flavors. Even red, white and blue. Well, at least they wrap themselves in Our flag, even if they don't belong in it. Unless you look deeper, you're just swallowing what they feed you. Mmmm yummy. Tastes like sweet American nationalism. (oh you might want to look up nationalism too. Hope that's not asking too much, but if I write it all out to you then how will you know if it's true anyway?)

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