Saturday, March 1, 2008

Alternative News Sources

Mainstream media has failed us at almost every turn. From burying stories early to ignoring or censoring those events that would obviously matter most to the American public and going so far as to malign and demonize those who dare attempt to report the truth, it has become abundantly clear that they do not provide an accurate, complete or unbiased account of ongoing developments abroad and at home.

Here are just a couple of alternative sources.

First I direct you to Project Censorship's

Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2007

Some of the stories here are quite shocking--others are just plain disgusting. Note that Project Censorship has already released a top 25 for 2008--I just wanted to make sure you got to see the 2007 list first.

Also check out Mother Jones. A news magazine I have found to be more truly fair and balanced than most.

I will also, almost begrudgingly, give a nod to Lou Dobbs. Although some stories are glaringly missing from his teams reporting, he does a better job than everyone else on the boob tube and his constant exposure of corporate out-sourcing, immigration issues, and the failure/danger of our federal government are easily in my top ten issues that scream for deeper coverage.

If you find yourself still cuddled up to the warm teat of Fox News, do your self a favor and take a break from it for awhile. I challenge you to quit watching that propaganda machine for just 2 weeks while you actively follow the news through non-mainstream sources. Hell, even 2 weeks of Lou Dobbs might open up your eyes a smidge.

What is democracy without comprehensive, relevant and vigilant reporting of information?

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