Thursday, March 6, 2008

CIA (among other PTB's) Drug Deals Our Country into the Stone Age

I find myself at a loss for words more and more. I haven't even watched this whole thing yet, but already I am severely disturbed.

Having lived as a member of the lower class (financially) all of my adult life, I have had the opportunity, if I dare call it that, to experience first hand life up against "the man." What I mean by that is that at the bottom of the social pecking order there is no one, or thing, ... there is no buffer or barrier, no level of denial, no amount of fluffy money or luxury to guard you--many are completely exposed, like raw meat. What do I mean? Well, I remember many discussions with family or less savvy friends about drugs in this country and how absolutely prevalent they are, and always have been all the way to the beginning of my knowledge. In fact, they have only gotten worse and more insidious. One point I made on many an occasion was that I seriously believed that all told the economy would likely collapse if it weren't for the cash flow generated by drug trade on our streets and in our neighborhoods.

The truth is that I realize now that you don't have to be poor to see that; the affluent or middle class are riddles with drugs as well, but the damage, the insidious cancer that IT is is so much more visible at the "bottom"--there you can see that most likely all is lost and has been lost for some time now.

Well here is yet another piece of source material that not only supports my gut feelings and conclusions based on my limited experience... but points out that the Powers That Be once again are responsible... NOT for our rescue, or even for letting us down, but DIRECTLY responsible for our society's demise, just as if they had held it's mouth open and poured draino down it's throat.

Watch this and keep a puke bucket handy.

PS. Don't be touchy. Ignore the title of the the page. He doesn't even begin to talk about that until much later in the presentation. The information about the CIA itself should be shocking enough to put you on the edge of your seat.

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